Tried and validated by yours truly. Experience is the only master you need!
The most important tip is to do.
I´ve found that finding your very own workflow elevates alot of artblock - and getting comfortable with the idea of iteration of lots of thumbnailsketches from your own briefs!
Identify why and what is making you not want to draw and list possible solutions .
Identify what kind of art you like and want to be able to do
Find the idea generation technique that works for you (research!)
Writing in Art idea journal with mindmaps (my technique)
Idea notes app in phone for on the go
Record idea asap or it´ll be gone forever!
Try to generate atleast 5 new ideas daily - the more the better!
Split your day - ideas in the morning, art in the evening for example
Writing helps you stay as non-judgemental as possible.
Keep a visual idea sketchbook where you sketch those written ideas
Really let your ideas get on the page before judging them!
Keep it simple & readable - try to describe what you see in your art vision.
Pick the ones that interest you most - keep the rest as "backburner ideas" for those days you really don´t feel like drawing!
Try to draw things you love - fanart is powerful to re-ignite your art love again
Set aside x hours for just sketching daily to build habit.
Read books AND try to paint the scenes in your head as you mosey along
Expose yourself to as many genres of things as possible!
Music, movies, videogames, books...
Expose youself to new ways and new experiences or perspectives, nurture your curiosity and always try to find out more about stuff or how the world works!
Combine refs together is the core to what really ideas are - say 80%. The 10% is how you combine them and is your personal flair.
RP! RP stimulates your imagination and visualization skills endlessly as you learn how to describe scenes, characters and scenarios in words. It´s fun!
Combine things IRL together in your head as you see them
Ask questions - why, what, where, how, who, what if? etc
Take an existing IP and play pretend you´re redesigning it - use screenshots, lore as base and try to come up with new scenes ;)
The real core of artblock is lack of ideas and a proper workflow.
It is essential to learn how to put down ideas in their most crude form, learning to